You cannot properly love your brother and sister unless you know who he or she is … made in the image of the Eternal Living God with the potential — the reality — of becoming Gods themselves! Let the articles and books available here help you gain the understandings you need to grow into that love that is intended for you from the moment you were conceived.
The Creator has a wonderful plan for you, which He says was begun from the very foundations of the world. Do we understand how incredible that truth is, a promise given to each of His creations? He will not give up on any of us, His creations, but nurture us to the end of time if necessary so we might fulfill the purposes for which He made us.
In order to grow to the fullness of the stature of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, and achieve the love and character of Him, we are instructed to fellowship with our brethren regularly. Yet, we are to fellowship not in just any old way we think is right. We need to follow the pattern that the Eternal has for us as revealed in His word … and He has not left us without that pattern. These articles and guidelines will help you become Christ-centered to be able to assemble and fellowship in the right way, in love, in compassion for one another, in the way that our great God intends so that you may indeed approach the fullness of His stature.
Do we not assemble on the Sabbath and at other times to encourage one another to endure to the end, so that we might survive the non-stop onslaughts of this evil age and stand before the Son of Man in the resurrection, clean and pure, without flaw and clothed in white linen, which is the righteousness of the saints? Yes indeed!
That leads us to another overarching matter that we all need to have at the forefront of our minds continually. That matter is the knowledge of the Kingdom of God — the renewed Eden upon the earth — which is going to replace the current governments of men that are patterned after the Adversary and his self-centered, carnal lusts, with the government of Jesus Christ and the saints. Thus, this website serves to deliver an eye-opening view of that wonderful world to come, which eye has not seen nor ear heard, nor has entered into the heart of men those things that God has prepared for those who love Him. These things — at least those things He chooses to reveal — are made plain in Scripture and elucidated in the books and articles available right here on this site!
So, fellowship, especially the home fellowship, is designed to prepare us for being kings and priests in the wonderful world to come. The coming of Christ is sure, that coming is promised, and our great God is not slack on keeping His promises. Fellowship is designed to help us endure to the end of this present evil age, and to be victors and stand with our Elder Brother Jesus Christ and the rest of the resurrected saints on this terra firma, and rule for 1,000 years.
Fellowship is supposed to give us the unbridled opportunity to exercise our spiritual gifts, granted when the Eternal first placed those gifts within us at baptism and the laying on of hands. We need to exercise those gifts to the full, and the information contained here will show you how to do just that, and not be imprisoned within a corporate church that claims only the pastor or someone else within the organization can tell you when and where to exercise you gifts … if there is even an attempt to discover which ones you have.
We have been brought to a state of incredible liberty, and the information shared on this website will help you achieve that liberty, wherein fear is utterly cast out from your formerly captivated self, wherein you served yourself and the gods of this present world. You may never have experienced such freedom from the slavery that the Adversary so much wants you to be subject to. As one founder of this great nation, the United States, of America, so aptly shouted, “Give me liberty or give me death!” In a sense that is the pathway we are all on, stretching forth our footsteps on the pathways that lead us out from our past captivity to heartache and hopeless depravity, into the full light of the new life in the coming Kingdom that we were created for. We must guide and nurture this great pathway to life — abundant life — to the death, for the rewards of obedience to our Creator are incredible beyond imagination!
(Heb 10:25) Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.
We see the above verse of scripture as our mandate for the Body of Christ. It is our hope to provide you with tools and resources to be able to reach out to local home fellowships in your area to find a way to be able to assemble with your brethren that we might support one another as the day approaches.
It has been estimated by the Church of God Network that there may be as many as 40 to 60 thousand individuals with backgrounds from the various Church of God groups and/or congregations. Many are not able to find congregations to assemble with. We intend to make this website a resource center to not only help you find local churches at home but to help you establish a home fellowship should that be needed.
There will be links out to many of our groups and the efforts they are making to feed and support the body of Christ.
The Blog Posts you are reading now will give you weekly updates and ideas on how and why to proceed in finding or building a home fellowship. There is power and safety in fellowship with your brethren. The Home Church environment is the place to be to allow God’s Spirit more free reign in your life.
Many of us are scattered to the winds and are being subjected to doctrinal chaos as well as personal discouragement, but you are not alone. There are many who suffer as well and are at risk. These walking wounded if you will have suffered at the hands of a ministry that does not understand the damage they are doing as well as from brethren, so called who might be more accurately described as goats rather than sheep.
(Mat 25:33) And he shall set the sheep on his right hand, but the goats on the left.
But no matter the reason for your separation there are ways available now to fellowship again with the Body of Christ either in Home Fellowships or even in the new Online Meeting Rooms where you can join in a group environment from your home while seeing and interacting, in real time, with other brethren in these online rooms.
We need the strength and encouragement that comes from local fellowship with God’s People. Read again the scripture at the beginning of this post and you will see that one of the main reasons Paul says that we should not forsake the assembling of ourselves together is for the encouragement that comes from this local fellowship. And we are going to need it more and more and the Day draws closer.
So keep checking in with us as we develop this tool for you. And remember always that you are NOT Alone!
The articles on this website are designed to show you fully the Government that God designed for Mankind. As you study these pages you will find that the Home Church is the best model to gather together to worship our God … that this form of Government will in fact release God’s Holy Spirit to work among us as individuals and will enhance our ability to use the Spirit within us to learn what God wants us to understand and to live as Christ would have us live.
Communication amongst the brethren is special in God’s site: Malachi 3:16-18
Agape Love and the Sabbath
Loving the Sabbath Day Our eternal heavenly Father granted us the Sabbath day out of His love for us. He knew we would need a day of rest following six days of labor, just as He rested after six days of “working” to refurbish and repopulate the earth. Let us briefly...
Hate the World
We Must Hate This World! Moreover, We Must Hate Our Own Life in This World! We as Christians, the elect called out of this world, are termed “... a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His special people ...” in I Peter 2:9. That is a magnificent...
Sabbath No Work
“In It You Shall Do No Work ....” We Need to Review These Words Often Paul W. Syltie Perhaps I am being trite by restating the obvious to everyone who has a conscience for obeying the Fourth Commandment. After all, this commandment we all cherish and follow...
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