Where Are We in Prophecy?
“But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, but My Father only” (Matthew 24:36).
It is critical to understand the times we live in. To maintain our bearings and sanity within this rapidly changing world it is imperative to try and see just where we are along the timeline of prophetic fulfillment.
I have therefore striven to wade through the prophecies in Daniel and Revelation, and understand the fulfillment of historical events in terms of the seals, trumpets, and vials, throwing out any preconceptions I may have had regarding previous teachings and traditions. The result of this effort has been a 76 page article entitled Where Are We in Prophecy?, which is on my website, www.churchesathome.org. This blog article is just a short summary of the seals, trumpets, and vials, so you are encouraged to go to the website article and digest the full story.
We live in a world that is chaotic and confused. It seems that nothing is stable and steady, as generation after generation dips further and further into lawlessness and depravity. As a young man growing up in the farm country of the Northern Plains of Minnesota, it was rare for couples to divorce, and there was a strong sense of morality among most people my age. In fact, several of my classmates married their high school sweethearts, and they remain together to this very day. Today the norm is becoming cohabitation rather than marriage, a very tenuous relationship without life-long commitment that forms the glue for stable societal structure, as it has for millennia.
The erosion of marital integrity is only one symptom of cultural collapse, but it is a major one. Along with it come other sexual aberrations, such as homosexuality, transgenderism, and adultery, but also thievery, lying, covetousness, drunkenness, drug usage, idolatry in its various sorts, contacting of spirits, and the list goes on. All of these sins, so eloquently spelled out by Paul in II Timothy 3:1-7, are what he stated would be prevalent in the “last days.” They are aberrations of human behavior on a wide scale that were predicted to overtake the earth shortly before the return of Jesus Christ, as related in Matthew 24:37-39.
“But as in the days of Noah were, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be. For as in the days before the flood, they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark, and did not know until the flood came and took them all away, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be.”
We are well aware that the condition of mankind on the earth before the Great Flood was incredibly evil, for “… the Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually (Genesis 6:5). These pervasive conditions within society, while not unique to this time but can be found at other times in certain cultures — Roman, Grecian, Babylonian, Egyptian, and other civilizations, especially among the elite classes — are rapidly becoming pervasive among Westerners today. I could quote statistics on wickedness: abortion, adultery, theft, murder, gluttony, drug usage, and the list goes on. Jesus Christ old us to watch for signs of the end of the age.
“Now learn this parable from the fig tree. When its branch has already become tender and puts forth leaves, you know that summer is near. So you also, when you see all these things, know that it is near — at the doors!” (Matthew 24:32-33).
The Seals of Revelation 6 and 7
Seal 1 (Revelation 6:1-2). A white horse, and the rider had a bow and a crown, and went forth conquering. Some commentators claim this horse symbolizes the “triumph of the gospel in the First Century dispensation,” since the whiteness of the horse symbolizes the purity of the faith, and the crown pictured the message of Christ going forth in great zeal to the limitless four corners of the earth.
However, others claim this white horse and its warrior rider represent a conquering false religious power, running roughshod over peoples and nations the world over. It is an apt picture of the Roman Catholic Church in many respects, and could very well represent it, plus any apostate religion which deviates from the pure faith of our Savior, for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light (II Corinthians 11:14). We also read that “many false prophets will rise up and deceive many” (Matthew 24:11), and “… false christs and false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect” (Matthew 24:24). This seal is likely a prophecy of false religion misleading people worldwide throughout the last millennium.
Seal 2 (Revelation 6:3-4). A fiery red horse with a rider having a great sword, to take peace from the earth and encourage people to kill each other. The view of some is that this red horse symbolizes a corruption of the original gospel message given by Christ and the apostles, whereupon errors in doctrine, worldliness, and the amalgamation of the ecclesia with the secular government brought about great perversion of the truth. Some say that the spirit of this seal reached its climax with the so-called conversion of Constantine to Christianity in 323 A.D. Perverted Christianity rose to the throne of civil government, and contaminated the pure, white faith with the blood of conflict between this new-found syncretized system and the true saints.
This red horse, however, could very well symbolize armies of men spilling the blood of people in nations across the earth … especially the blood of the saints, who have resisted these corrupted false church-state combines and historically have been persecuted — often to the death — for resisting these evil entities. The evidence is voluminous of the killing of millions of God’s people over the centuries, especially during the Inquisition.
Seal 3 (Revelation 6:5-6). A black horse, with its rider carrying a balance in his hand, may symbolize the time from Constantine in 323 A.D. to the establishment of the papacy in 538 A.D. During this time many dark errors and superstitions entered the syncretized church, such as the veneration of dead “saints,” the celibacy of priests, the worship of images and relics, and other such dastardly practices and superstitions. Blackness symbolizes ignorance and corruption, evil and death, the likeness of paganism thrust into the heart of the pure faith. It is claimed that the balance held by the rider pictures the civil and religious government, epitomized by the administrators of that government who would balance the authority of each. Wheat and barley could imply church members engaged in worldly affairs and physical possessions, loving money rather than God, while the wine and oil might picture faith, love, and other spiritual fruits that were corrupted during this time, precipitating a great falling away from the true religion.
On the other hand, the third horse could picture a time of famine, a shortage of grain and oil and wine, due to drought and societal disruptions as a consequence of war, indicated by the red second horse and its rider wielding a great sword. Such famines have occurred throughout mankind’s history, and will continue to the very end of the age as we read of the 3.5-year famine during the time of the two witnesses (Revelation 11:3-6).
Seal 4 (Revelation 6:7-8). This pale horse with the rider named “Death” is in reality of a “pale or yellowish” color. It could refer to the time, commencing about 538 A.D., when the papacy arose and exercised unrestrained persecution against those who opposed it, in particular those who joined the Reformation and exposed the corruption of this great false church. The fourth part of the earth may refer to the extent of the earth over which the papacy reigned, and the “sword, hunger, and death” could mean the horrible means of torture and death which opponents of this system were subjected to, the Inquisition in particular. Fifty million martyrs came out of this Inquisition.16 “Beasts of the earth” could mean the terrible atrocities committed against God’s people by agents of the papacy acting as beasts. These atrocities of the Catholic Church against the people of God continued for about 500 years, from Pope Innocent III (1198-1216) until roughly 1700.
Some commentators will claim that this Fourth Seal and the pale horse refer to the pestilences that arise from the devastating droughts and food shortages that are pictured in the Third Seal. Such disease outbreaks are the logical result of compromised immune systems resulting from poor nutrition. Such horrible epidemics and die-offs of major portions of populations have occurred at times over the centuries since Christ’s time.
How the power to kill with the sword and with the beasts of the earth can relate to this interpretation of the Fourth Seal is questionable. Nevertheless, this seal has occurred over a long period of time, and certainly encompasses the period of the Roman Empire, and in particular the time during which the Popes have directed its activities since the 500s A.D.
Seal 5 (Revelation 6:9-11). This seal can be tied to a specific time period, like the other seals, as being the period during which the Roman Church grotesquely persecuted the true saints. The altar that is envisioned is on the earth, not in the spirit realm, and correlates to the rampant murder of hundreds of thousands of protesters of the evil and erroneous dictates of Catholicism. Thus, the Fifth Seal corresponds to the Reformation period that officially began when Martin Luther (1483-1546 A.D.) nailed the 95 Theses to the church door in Wittenberg, Germany, on October 31, 1517. The sale of indulgences (bailing people out of purgatory by payments to the Roman Church) and other abuses brought about by the Popes’ doctrines led to a massive exit from the Roman Church. While Luther was excommunicated for being a heretic, the penalty of which was death, he stood his ground, even before the assembled dignitaries and political leaders of the Holy Roman Empire and the Roman Church in 1521. He was hidden for a year, and then translated the Bible into German, helping the Protestant movement gain strength.
Thereafter the Catholic Church’s answer to the Reformation began: the Inquisition, which Pope Innocent III initiated. This atrocity claimed untold millions of innocent Christian lives … thus defining those “… slain for the word of God and for the testimony which they held” (Revelation 6:9). The time period of this seal would thus extend from the beginning of the Reformation in about 1517 to the end of this age … for there will be many more who will lose their lives for the sake of the truth (Matthew 24:9-10).
Seal 6 (Revelation 6:12-17). This seal spells out quite literal events, not couched in figurative language like the first six seals. The earthquake alluded to here could likely be the Great Earthquake of Lisbon, Portugal, that struck on November 1, 1755. It effects were noted over at least 4 million square miles: in Europe, Africa, and the Americas. The violent upheavals were noted over much of Africa, across western Europe, and into England and Scandinavia. Of Lisbon’s 150,000 inhabitants, 90,000 died that day, and the city was devastated and burned. Shocks were felt as far west as the West Indies and Greenland. Tidal waves caused further devastation.
Also, on May 19, 1780, a dark day was experienced in North America, with no known cause. The following night the “moon became as blood,” surely as a consequence of the particulate matter that was in the air to cause the darkness of the day.
The stars of heaven falling “… as a fig tree casts its figs when shaken by a mighty wind” could refer to the Great Meters showers of November 13, 1833.
The last events mentioned in Revelation 6:14 — “And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together, and every mountain and island were moved out of their places” — have had no fulfillment in the past 200 years, so assumedly these prophecies are yet to occur. We see in Revelation 16:18-21, with the Seventh Trumpet, that “… there was a great earthquake, such a mightly and great earthquake as had not occurred since men were on the earth …. Then every island fled away, and the mountains were not found,” a likely fulfillment of this Sixth Seal prophecy (see also Isaiah 24:19-20 and Jeremiah 4:23-27).
Seal 7 (Revelation 8:1-2). This seventh seal encompasses the Seven Trumpets to follow. It is plausible to consider that all but the Sixth Seal have been fulfilled as discussed. That being the case, let us now consider the Seven Trumpets that follow.
The Seven Trumpets
Trumpet 1 (Revelation 8:7). “Hail and fire mingled with blood” most likely refers to the terrible effects of the Gothic invasion (hail), and the burning of cities and the countryside (fire), while the blood relates to the rampant slaughter of the people by these bold and intrepid Gothic warriors. Beginning towards the end of the Fourth Century A.D. these Goths invaded and desolated large swaths of the Roman Empire. Alaric, the Gothic general, spared no one as he moved his carts and wagons from the northlands of Germany and dealt the Roman Empire its first major strike.
Trumpet 2 (Revelation 8:8-9). This trumpet appears to indicate maritime warfare … whereas the First Trumpet involved land warfare by the Goths. The Vandals, with their terrible leader Genseric, first conquered North Africa, and afterwards Italy, mostly though naval conquest. It has been said that his triumphs were “as it were a great mountain burning with fire, cast into the sea.” During the years 428-468 A.D., he helped contribute to Rome’s fall by establishing a base in Africa (Carthage), from which he preyed on Roman commerce and waged war with the Empire. To cope with this piracy, the Roman emperor Majorian prepared a huge navel fleet — 300 long galleys, plus many transports and smaller vessels — and collected them in what he thought was a secure harbor in Cartagena, Spain.
“But Genseric was saved from impending and inevitable ruin by the treachery of some powerful subjects, envious and apprehensive of their master’s successes. Guided by their secret intelligence, he surprised the unguarded fleet in the Bay of Cartagena; many of the ships were sunk, taken, or burned, and preparations of three years were destroyed in a single day.”
The Vandals repeatedly raided the coasts of Spain, Greece, Sicily, Italy, and other Mediterranean ports, causing further erosion of Roman strength. The “third part” phrase likely refers to the tripartite division of the original two-legged iron image, first given to Constantine, Licinius, and Maximin in 311 A.D., and following Constantine’s death the Kingdom was divided into thirds, to Constantine II, Constans, and Constantins in 337 A.D. Thus, it can be presumed that the Vandals were instrumental in fulfilling the prophecies of the Second Trumpet, which John recorded over 300 years earlier.
Trumpet 3 (Revelation 8:10-11). To understand this trumpet, one must discover a chieftain or warrior who might be compared to a blazing meteor, whose rise and exploits would be brilliant for a season — “a great star … burning as a lamp” — and then disappear like a light is quenched in water. The character of history who fits these qualifications is Attila the Hun.
“In the manner of his appearance, he strongly resembled a brilliant meteor flashing in the sky. He came from the East, gathered his Huns, and poured them down … with the rapidity of a flashing meteor, suddenly on the [Roman] Empire. He regarded himself also as devoted to Mars, the god of war, and was accustomed to array himself in a particularly brilliant manner, so that his appearance in the language of his flatterers, was such as to dazzle the eyes of beholders.”
Attila the Hun (406-453 A.D.) ruled the Huns from 434 to 453 A.D., and was one of the most feared enemies of both the Western and Eastern Roman Empires. He conducted a successful campaign in the Eastern Empire, so he attempted to conquer the Western Empire, and was turned back in Gaul (modern France). Though devastating northern Italy, he was unable to take Rome, and he died not long after this effort in 453 A.D.
Trumpet 4 (Revelation 8:12). Trumpet 4 has a clear reference to the barbarian monarch Odoacer, who participated in the final eclipse of the Western Roman Empire. The symbols of “sun,” “moon,” and “stars” most likely refer to the great luminaries of the Roman government: the emperors, senators, and consuls. While Western Rome fell in 476 A.D., the empire still shone faintly (a “third part”) as the senate and consuls continued, but even they suffered reverses until finally, in 566 A.D., the whole form of Roman government was subverted. From that point on the government was reduced from being empress of the world to a weak tributary of the Exarch of Ravenna. In fact, with the resignation of Augustulus — meaning “diminutive Augustus” — the Western Empire consented to the seat of the government be transferred to Constantinople. Thus, the power and glory of Rome to bear rule over any other nation had ceased. Only in name did the Roman Empire exist.
Trumpet 5, Woe 1 (Revelation 9:1-11). Both the fifth and sixth trumpets refer to the Saracens and the Turks, according to all credible evidence at hand.These people of false religion became a scourge to the apostate Roman Church, and thus are termed “woes” besides being trumpets, due to their heavy infliction of trouble to the civilized world.
The bottomless pit in Greek is defined as “deep, bottomless, or profound,” and can refer to in context to any waste, desolate, or uncultivated place. What better description can there be to the wilderness wastelands of the Arabian desert, from which the Saracans emerged like swarms of locusts. The hoards of Saracens descended upon the Fertile Crescent like swarms of locusts. Within eight years the Moslem hoards had taken over the provinces captured by Heraclius. Thus, Chosroes, King of Persia, passed into oblivion, and the forces of the Moslems became preeminent. In 629 A.D. the forces of Mohammed had conquered Arabia and begun to strike at the remnants of the Roman Empire. This strike, unlike the pure light of the gospel of the Eternal God of heaven, was like smoke out of a bottomless pit.
The Saracens persistently assaulted the Roman territory, even Constantinople itself, though they were not able to subdue these areas. This “torment for five months” was to hurt and pester, not kill and utterly destroy the idolatrous Roman Church. It was a perilous time for these people of the empire, and they grew weary of the periodic, persistent attacks and endangerment, a peaceful respite in life only to be disrupted violently by another attack.
The prophetic time of five months can be defined as 5 x 30 days per month, or 150 days. Using each day for a year (Numbers 14:34), then five months is 150 years. During this time the Moslems were to slay one-third of men (Revelation 9:15) … or a third of the Roman Empire, the Greek division of it.
According to Gibbon, Othman made his first assault on the Greek empire on July 27, 1299. Counting forward 150 years takes us to July 27, 1449. During this period the Turks engaged in perpetual warfare with the Greek empire, but did not conquer it, although they held several provinces. Constantinople still stood, but not for long. A big change was forthcoming as the sixth trumpet was about to blow.
Trumpet 6, Woe 2 (Revelation 9:14-21). There were four principle divisions of the Ottoman empire — situated at Aleppo, Iconium, Damascus, and Baghdad — all of which were watered by the River Euphrates. Though previously restrained, they were now loosed to conquer other lands. In 1449 A.D., John Palaiologos, the Greek emperor, died and his brother Constantine XIII took the throne … but not before gaining permission to reign from the Turkish sultan Amurath. This was essentially a bloodless, voluntary surrender of the Greeks to the Turks. Recall that the Greeks comprised a third of the defunct Roman Empire.
Amurath soon died, to be succeeded in 1451 A.D. by Mohammed II, who determined to conquer Constantinople and make it the seat of his empire. Keep in mind that the prophecy in verse 15 was that the angels were loosed for “an hour, a day, a month, and a year.” This period of time is 360 + 30 + 1 + 1/24 days, or 391 1/24 days, or 391 years and 15 days, considering each day for a year (Numbers 14:34).
Mohammed II commenced the reign of Constantinople on April 6, 1453, and on May 16 he captured the city. The means by which the city, an impregnable fortress that no invading army had been able to breach for centuries, was ingenious and written colorfully in the words of John. The number of horseman in this army was incredible. The “200 million” number likely means “200,000 twice told,” a number that may indeed equal the warriors who besieged Constantinople. Others think that the 200 million represents the total of the warriors who fought during the entire 391 years and 15 days of the Ottoman Empire.
Constantinople was subdued, and her religion was trampled into the dust by the Moslem conquerors. The supremacy of the Moslems — the Ottoman Empire — over the Greeks was to continue, as mentioned earlier, for 391 years and 15 days.That time period, together with the 150-year period of the Fifth Trumpet is as follows.
Beginning of the 150 years ……..July 27, 1299
Ending of the 150 years and the beginning of the 319 years and 15 days….July 27, 1449
Ending of the 319 years and 15 days…..August 11, 1840
On August 11, 1840, exactly to the day as predicted in Revelation 9:15, the Ottoman empire officially ended … exactly 319 years and 15 days from the beginning of the Ottoman Empire! The sultan’s independence was gone; the Ottoman Empire’s power had vanished, just as Scripture said it would.
Trumpet 7, Woe 3 (Revelation 11:15). This signifies the resurrection, at the last trumpet (I Thessalonians 4:16-17; I Corinthians 15:51-52), which will occur when Jesus Christ inherits all nations on earth, deposing Satan the devil and his minions. Thereafter will occur the seven vials.
The Seven Vials
- Sores (Revelation 16:2)
- The sea turned to blood (Revelation 16:3)
- Springs of water turned to blood (Revelation 16:4)
- Great heat from the sun (Revelation 16:8-9)
- Darkness (Revelation 16:10)
- Armies gathered for the Battle of Armageddon (Revelation 16:12-16)
- A great earthquake, changes in topography, and great hail (Revelation 16:17-21)
Please take a look at the complete article on the website, www.churchesathome.org, and read the exciting understandings regarding end-time prophetic events. The article also looks into the efforts by modern-day powerful people and their movements to attempt to mold a new world order patterned after their devilish plans.
See below a brief one-page chart of the seals, trumpets, and vials, along with footnotes for the chart.
Footnotes to “The End-Time Prophecy Timeline”
1. The decree of Cyrus to rebuild the temple in Jerusalem is recorded in Ezra 1:1-4, 6:1-7, and Isaiah 44:28 and 45:1. Various dates have been assigned to this decree, and when Ezra traveled from Babylon to Jerusalem. Most scholars place the date as 458 BC. Yet, what is the real year of this decree? According to Rick Lanser of “The Daniel 9:24-27 Project,” Did Ezra Come to Jerusalem in 457 B.C.? (https://biblearchaeology. org/abr-projects-main/the-daniel-9-24-27-project-2/4549-did-ezra-come-to-jerusalem-in-457-bc),
“If Nehemiah is not using Persian reckoning, he must be using Jewish reckoning. Internal evidence (Nehemiah 13:6-7, for instance) suggests that the book was written in Jerusalem. Moreover, his choice of language (Hebrew), his careful recording of facts that he did not need to record for himself, and the actual survival of his book — all indicate that the purpose was to set down a history that would be read by Jewish posterity. Therefore, he computed the dates at the outset of his memoirs in terms of a regnal year beginning in Tishri. Many scholars have endorsed this conclusion.
“For these reasons I am not persuaded that a Persian regnal year, either Nisan-based or tied to variable accession months, should be assumed in understanding the dating of Nehemiah. Yet in the case of Haggi we cannot assume Tishri dating by the Jewish civil calendar either. The best, and Scripture-based, explanation appears to be that two different Jewish calendars — one civil and indicated by the use of Babylon-derived month-names, the other religious and indicated by the use of month-numbers typical of the calendar God gave the Jews at the first Passover — were behind the thinking of the different writers. From this, coupled with the likelihood that an interregnum meant Artaxerxes did not begin his accession year until after Tishri 1, 465 BC, I am driven to the conclusion that Ezra’s trip to Jerusalem took place in the spring of 457 BC. In this way we can accomodate what seems to be a Biblical requirement to understand the Seventy Weeks prophecy of Daniel 9:24-27 as based on sabbatical years.”
Note that Rick Lanser’s conclusion that Ezra commenced his trip to Jerusalem in the spring of 457 BC correlates perfectly with my contention that …
(1) Jesus was born in the late winter or early spring of 4 B.C.
(2) Jesus’ baptism was just before the Passover of 27 AD (see the flow of events in John 1:29-51; and 2:1-13, where it is documented that there were not many days from Jesus’ baptism until the Passover. Jesus began his formal ministry at about age 30, which began after his baptism (Luke 3:21-23).
(3) After three years of ministry He was crucified, at Passover time in the spring of 30 AD (Matthew 26; Mark 14; Luke 22; John 13 to 18).
2. The 70 weeks totals 490 days, or 490 prophetic years, each day for a year (Ezekiel 4:6; Numbers 14:34. Daniel 9:24-25:
“”Seventy weeks are determined for your people and for your holy city, to finish the transgression, to make an end of sins, to make reconciliation for iniquity, to bring in everlasting righteousness, to seal up vision and prophecy, and to anoint the Most Holy. Know therefore and understand, that from the going fourth of the command to restore and build Jerusalem until Messiah and Prince, there shall be seven weeks and sixty-two weeks; the street shall be built again, and the wall, even in troublesome times.”
From 457 BC one is brought forward 490 years to 34 AD, when the gospel was preached to all nations, not to just the Israelites.
3. Sixty-nine weeks elapsed from 457 BC until the Messiah would come in power to preach the good tidings of the Kingdom of God (see Daniel 9:25 above). That brings one to 27 AD.
4. Christ was born most likely in the late winter or early spring of 4 BC. See Flavius Josephus, Antiquities of the Jews, translated by William Whiston, Book 17, Chapter 6, Kregel Publications, Grand Rapids, Michigan, 1970. Read Luke 2:6-7 for the birth of Jesus.
5. Christ was baptized by John (Matthew 3:13-17; Mark 1:9-11; Luke 3:21-22; John 1:29-33).
6. Jesus was crucified at Passover time three years after he began His ministry (Matthew 26; Mark 14; Luke 22; John 13 to 18). He was cut off in the “midst of the week” when He was to bring an end to sacrifice and offering … for He was the object of the sacrifices and offerings practiced all through the generations of Israel (Daniel 9:27). Midst is the Hebrew chetsiy, meaning “half, middle, midst, or part.” It does not have to mean exactly in the middle of something, but close to the half or middle, as when Jacob blessed Ephraim and Manasseh when he said, “And let them grow into a multitude in the midst of the earth” (Genesis 48:16). Similarly, the messages of Yahweh spoke to Moses from the midst of the bush (Exodus 3:2, 4), which was not exactly in the middle of the bush but near the center. Likewise, three years is near the center of a seven-day week.
7. The 70 weeks (490 years) from the decree of Cyrus to rebuild the temple in Jerusalem takes us to the spring of 34 AD. It was at this time that the Apostle Paul was converted and began to preach the good news of the Kingdom of God, and the resurrection of Christ to Israelites as well as to gentiles. This conversion is described in Acts 9:1-22, after the stoning of Stephen, to which Paul had consented (Acts 7:55-60). Most sources place the stoning of Stephen in 34 AD (Anonymous, Saint Stephen, September 13, 2011, www.bbc.co.uk; Anonymous, Saint Stephan, en.wikipedia.org), and the conversion of Paul that same year (Anonymous, Timeline of the Apostle Paul, Blue Letter Bible, www.blueletterbible.org). Some sources give a range of possible years, such as 33-36 AD (Janet Everts, The Apostle Paul and his Times: Christian history timeline, April, 2021, Christianity Today, www.christianitytoday.com).
8. See Daniel 12:7 and 14.
9. Five months = 150 days, or 150 prophetic years. See Revelation 9:1-11. Interestingly, a locust’s lifespan is about five months.
10. The Ottoman Empire. Hour, day, month, and year = 391 1/24 days = that many years.
11. The Seven Trumpets are discussed in Revelation 8, 9, and 11.
12. The Seven Seals are discussed in Revelation 6; the seventh Seal is in Revelation 8:1.
13. The Tribulation is a time of intense suffering during which the Seven Vials will be poured out. See Matthew 24:21-22.
14. See I Corinthians 15:51-52, I Thessalonians 4:15-17, and Matthew 24:30-31, all of which indicate the trumpet sound at the resurrection.
15. See Revelation 19:6-9. This is a vision of the marriage supper in heaven following the resurrection, and before the return of Christ and the saints to battle the beast and false prophet.
16. See Revelation 19:11-21. After this battle the devil and his demons are cast into the abyss, where they cannot influence civilization during the millennial reign of Christ and the saints (Revelation 20:1-3).
17. The Seven Vials are discussed in Revelation 16.

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